We are proud to say the Interactive Teaching Method is one of the most innovative and effective ways to teaching and learning the Alexander Technique.

Today, the term ‘Alexander Technique’ is the name given to the many different ways of teaching Alexander’s principles and discoveries.
In the Interactive Teaching Method, we focus on the study and application of the principles which form the basis of and provide the power for Alexander’s technique.
We emphasise personal development as it relates to success in life by appealing to the student’s originality and powers of reasoning. The Interactive Teaching Method enables students to realise an increasing flexibility in their thoughts and movements as they learn to direct their lives more effectively to reach their dreams and goals.
Unlike many other more conventional approaches to teaching the Alexander Technique, we recognise the value of teaching in groups. While we do offer one-to-one private lessons, all ITM teachers have been specifically trained to teach group classes as a primary teaching tool. Teaching mostly in group classes allows us to make use of the benefits of group teaching to create a greater learning experience for everyone in attendance.
We have found that the combination of having personal attention and lesson experiences within the context of a group creates a deeper, richer, learning experience because each student has a chance to observe other students having lessons, thereby sharing in their interactions with the teacher as well as benefitting from their own interactions. This not only gives them a broader experience, but also helps them to understand other perspectives.
We are committed to a flexible, fun and practical approach to learning and living in order to bring about what Alexander called ‘a whole new way of life.’
"Will you ever doubt that laughter and learning go together?"
Don Weed, ITM Founder
Group sessions create opportunities for enhanced learning through many different levels of interaction
Students can experience and learn from the different perspectives they provide for one another
Research has shown that observing other people learning subtle skills accelerates the learning of those same skills in the observer
Group sessions provide a more well-rounded and powerful learning experience through learning from one another while using laughter as a major teaching tool
We have found that teaching in groups helps our students learn to think for themselves.

“The ITM is teaching me that there are no limits in the improvement of my physical, mental and emotional condition. In addition to this, it is giving me all the tools I need to work by myself on this continuing improvement. It is the best gift I have ever made to myself and to my loved ones. The educational approach of the course surprises me because it is so positive and different from what I have known before. I experience constant improvement every day.”
Maria, Mexico City, Mexico.
Actor, singer, mother & ITM Trainee.

Our aim is to provide an approach to teaching Alexander’s work that combines traditional styles of study with many effective ideas taken from more modern educational theories as well as the fields of personal development and success education.
As a thinker very much ahead of his time, whose ideas anticipated many of today’s approaches to self-improvement and self-development, Alexander himself claimed that his work, even at the end of his life, was still towards its beginning of development. As a result, we believe that he would be open to the contributions that advancements in educational, medical and scientific thinking could make in the future.
In 1910, he wrote that he was willing to make amendments to his work or even alter his premises if new evidence should cause him to do so. We believe that current innovations and discoveries in science and education provide just such evidence.
In addition, Marjorie Barstow, the first individual to graduate from Alexander’s first teacher training course and the source of the most constructive and effective innovations in the teaching of the work, once said about the changes Don made to teaching Alexander’s work when he created the ITM, “This is just what the Alexander world needs – yes, yes, yes!”
And at another time while discussing further innovations with Don, Marjorie said, “I think you and FM would have gotten along famously: you are so much alike.”
For these reasons and more, we would like to think that if Alexander were alive today and aware of the educational and scientific developments made since his lifetime, he would be proud of what we have learned and how we have developed his truly inspirational work so as to have the greatest impact and relevance for the modern student and for modern living.
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